Friday, August 3, 2018

Another shot from the provocative #brookeshaden. #Repost @brookeshaden ・・・ This is an older image of mine, but one that has quietly dug it's way into my heart. I remember making this, having no idea what I was doing, but trying something - anything - to prove myself an Artist. I posed for this picture, hair flipping, in my tiny apartment with an ikea light bulb and paper lantern to light me at night. I got into Photoshop and started learning how to use blur and selections. I remember being excited at what I had made. πŸŒ™ But all these years later, I look at this image and it remains, much to my surprise, the closest physical resemblance to what I feel imagination looks like. Crossing to another dimension, poking your head in just for a look, and discovering a whole new world behind the veil. πŸŒ™ Some images stay with you, they resonate, they reverberate down your spine when you see them. I can't say if it will mean that, or anything, to you, but I want you to know what it means to me.

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